The stories, ideas and ambitions of XLabs –

These are the ideas, innovations and ambitions that will redesign our future to be circular. As a creating space, each chapter of XLabs builds momentum with the stories we share, the businesses we reach and the learnings that connect our industries – accelerating our pathway toward a more regenerative future.

What will your XLabs chapter look like?
XLabs Tamaki Makaurau
AKL MAR 2020
Circularity logo, creator of XLabs
Louise Nash, founder of XLabs and Circularity, presenting at XLabs Live
Foreword by Louise Nash –

New Zealand's first circular economy lab began in Auckland, the City of Sails. Circularity was invited to design and deliver XLabs by Tātaki Auckland Unlimited. We were asked to specifically address the circular knowledge gap and bring forth new circular solutions using our Circular by Design methods - our toolkit to shift a business from linear to circular. We knew from experience that we needed to go beyond the usual conference, report or workshop if we wanted to create real change.

This first chapter of XLabs brought together nearly 50 collaborators, 18 teams and built a community of over 250 people. These change-makers became our coalition of the willing - to propel Auckland towards a resilient and regenerative future. Our circular design lab ran over nine weeks with expert speakers, team exercises and circular experiences interwoven across full day workshops, and continuing virtually during lockdown.

The experience we gained and the program we designed for the Auckland chapter provided the foundation and inspiration to create future XLabs. We are actively seeking opportunities for the next chapter both online and in person.

I invite you to learn more about the journey these teams went on at XLabs, their aha moments, how they explored the circular by design methods and the solutions they created that will transform our city.

The first chapter –
AKL 2020
Our first chapter of XLabs saw a diverse range of Auckland based businesses align their values and efforts to start creating circular solutions for real life challenges – and in doing so – started to unlock the potential $8.8million^ that a circular economy offers Auckland.
circular ideas
pitch viewers
Logos of companies who have participated in XLabs programs
“It has been brilliant to be part of XLabs and to see the passion and drive that exists for changing how we work and how we think about our impact on the planet. We have been inspired”
– The Warehouse Group
XLabs team


At XLabs, Bobux explored how they might find a solution for the 1 million pairs of children <7 shoes that go to landfill every year.

By applying Circular by Design methods they landed on a completely new business model and service platform that will extend the use of their shoes from one, to three walks of life. Shifting customers from being buyers to custodians.

View full Bobux case study here
Close up of Bobux children's leather shoe for their XLabs case study
Arrive Digital Transport Infrastructure Case Study

Making informed decisions with digital transport infrastructure

View full Arrive case study here
Fletcher Building Construction Circular Economy Case Study
Fletcher Building

Closing the loop on waste by reimagining how we renovate our homes

View full Fletcher Buildingcase study here
Man taking bike on Auckland Transport Train - Circular Innovation in Transport Case Study
Auckland Transport

Developing a circular innovation hub for cross-industry collaboration

View full Auckland Transport case study here
Outside shot of The Warehouse Group Office - Case Study on closing the loop on textile waste
The Warehouse Group

Closing the loop on waste with remade textiles

View full Warehouse Group case study here
Two adults and two children looking at upcycled toys made by The Re-Creators - Circular Economy Case Study
The Re-Creators

Creating a digital platform for redesigning waste into valuable retail

View full The Re-Creators case study here
Sunrise over boats at Auckland Marina - XLabs Case Study: Advanced Foating Platforms at the first circular marina
Advanced Floating Platforms

Establishing the world’s first circular marina

View full Advanced Floating Platforms case study here
Computer generated image of Good Space's circular design for childcare made at XLabs sprint
Good Space

Designing a childcare model for regeneration

View full Good Space case study here
Computer generated image of a ferry on Auckland waterfront showing EV Maritime's idea for a regenerative future for maritime
EV Maritime

Designing a better ferry future

View full EV Maritime case study here
Man in black Haka Tourism tshirt standing in front of NZ beach - XLabs Case Study on Circular Economy in Tourism
Haka Tourism

Creating memorable experiences for our manuhiri as they tread lightly across our land.

View full Haka Tourism case study here
Businesses of 2022

Explore the circular shifts and solutions from teams such as Silver Fern Farms, Leaderbrand, Rescued Kitchen, Beca, and more...

View here

Make it a reality: Develop, prototype and validate circular solutions for your business at XLabs LIVE 2023.

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The experts at XLabs

We were joined by a collective of over 50 collaborators in Auckland.
Here are two videos that our global experts created to share their knowledge with our teams.

Ken Webster welcomes the XLabs teams

Exeter University

Jim Goddin shares his insights into materials

Over the shoulder shot of middle aged man working through his solution to create a regenerative future at XLabs 2020
Crowd of people standing and smiling during XLabs 2020
Louise Nash, founder of XLabs and Circularity, and participant in XLabs tshirt
team of 3 people sitting at a table discussing their Circular by Design solution at the XLabs sprint
Two women wearing white sitting at a table working through their regenerative future workbook at XLabs
Man standing in front of crowd presenting about Auckland Integrated Capitals Operating Model
XLabs participants standing outside in Central Auckland
Crowd of people clapping after presentation of a successful circular by design solution
XLabs presenter standing in front of a projector talking over regenerative outcomes
Crowd of people standing around an industrial community garden
Closed up of the resources given to participants of XLabs Circular Economy lab
Women picking a range of sustainably sourced salads from the XLabs buffet
Two mean wearing backpacks walking down Central Auckland street pushing a bike